- Front Porch Minis -

Ginny O. Photography -1.jpg

Your mini session is booked…NOW WHAT??

Please take a few minutes to read the information below. You have invested in these images and I want you to be as prepared as possible! You will find details about what to expect, handling the kiddos, and how to choose outfits for your family.

What to expect

I will arrive about 10 minutes before our start time. This gives me a chance to say hello to everyone and check out the location. Please be sure everyone is ready to go 10-15 minutes early.

Our session will take 20-30 minutes.

After our session, I will look through your images and choose the best ones to edit. Within two weeks, I will email you a link to your gallery. You will be able to download your images, share the gallery with family & friends, and order prints.



I will guide you where to sit/stand while we take pictures. I like to say “guide” because I will help position you, but I am looking for interaction. It is perfectly ok if you move around a bit to get comfortable or snuggle into your family.

The best photographs are often the ones where everyone is engaged or interacting with each other.  Understand that not every picture needs to have everyone looking at the camera and smiling at the same time.  If you are engaged as a family and loving on each other, your eyes will be on your family members and your smile with be natural!Don't be scared to let your kids run around and just be kids. Give your wife a sweet kiss on the check.  Tell your husband how much you love him and appreciate him for being there for your family.  Have fun.  Laugh. Giggle. Joke. Embrace.  Kiss.  Snuggle.  Play.  Doing these things will allow me to capture those real and heartwarming emotions!These are the photographs that you will cherish most because they depict your family connection and your love!


We have all tried taking pictures of our kiddos and they just aren't having it! If 8 years of teaching 1st grade taught me anything, it was lots of patience. Kids like to have fun and that is exactly what I try to do during our time together. You will definitely see me making faces, being silly, and laughing, a lot! And, I hope you do, too. If they get a little too wild, THAT IS OK. It happens at almost every session. We will do our best to reign them back in. I can honestly say that my favorite images are those where everyone is engaged and has those big, genuine smiles! 


A few tips & tricks:


*Eat a snack/meal before our session and use the restroom.

*Wipe faces and hands.

*Talk about our session and the purpose of it.

*Have a small treat to give afterwards for good behavior AND talk about what they will receive for good behavior on way to our session.


Please fill out the questionnaire below as soon as you can.

Once you hit SUBMIT, you will be directed to my WHAT TO WEAR GUIDE!